Not That Again…Ugh.



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I am that one in my circle of friends.  Heck, I am that one pretty much in life.  And recently, when I did that again…it led to an unexpected revelation in my life.  And that revelation…well let’s just say, I believe we should all take pause and figure out how we can live by this new found information in our own life. 

Recently, I had a chance to go on an adult ski trip in Colorado with some very dear friends of ours.  And on this trip, I had the opportunity to meet new people (you know…friends of friends) who instantly seemed to become my friends too…how lucky am I!  We all connected and had such a great time over that long weekend!  Between all of the skiing, all of the food, all of the laughs, and a few drinks in between, it seemed to be the perfect weekend.  It seemed to be so perfect, and it really was perfect…well that is, until I did thatagain

As we were relaxing and winding down one night, we started talking and getting to know each other better. And as I looked at two of my new friends, I asked a question about their relationship and then instantly regretted it.  I so clearly, in that moment, did what I do best…I stuck my foot in my mouth.  And I have to admit, it was stuck in there pretty good.  

So I did it again…because frankly, I really am good at that…Ugh.

To say I was mortified is an understatement. I felt humiliated and wanted to run away and hide.  I was also anxious that I embarrassed my good friend who brought me there to meet these people in the first place.  I just hate when my foot lands up in my mouth. It leaves a nasty taste, and for me, it is the worst feeling imaginable.

But then my dear friend spoke up.  And let me just tell you, in this moment, she reminded me again why I love her so much.  She is the calm in every storm.  She is the logic in every question.  And she brings light when the days feel dark.  In that moment of embarrassment, she said something that will forever change the way I view situations like this moving forward.  And what she reminded me of is something that I will try my hardest to live by forever. 

So as I said those regretted words, and as I was just getting done reminding everyone around me that I, obviously, stuck my foot in my mouth, she looked over at me and said the following…

“Well Marsha, at least you are wearing your mint flavored shoes.”

It was such a simple comment, yet it was so loaded with meaning.  And my new friends, well let’s just say they did exactly what my friend implied…they extended me some grace, forgave my stupid comment, and moved on to enjoy the rest of the night. That shoe in my mouth no longer tasted nasty…it really did taste like sweet mint and all because of their kindness and graciousness.  Again, how lucky am I!

So let’s take pause…

As you look at your life and the people in it, how many times have you had someone say something inappropriate to you, and it left them feeling embarrassed?  What was your reaction to their words?  Did you choose, in that moment, to wish to never talk to them again?  Did you brush that person off as someone you just don’t want to be around?  And how many times in your life have you had someone make a mistake with their words?

If I had to guess, I bet it happens often.  Because let’s face it, it’s part of life!  People are not perfect, as I have said many times before.  And sometimes, if they are like me and speak without thinking, they will say something stupid, and it might just end with that nasty foot being wedged in deep.  

But the last thing this world needs is for any of us to stop meeting new people, or talking to new friends, or simply not enjoying life to the fullest extent because we are afraid we might say something wrong.  That is no way for any of us to live.  

So you know what?  Yes, I did do thatagain.  But what I learned through my friend, and what I want to share today is that there is a different way we can handle this moving forward…

And here is this simple reminder we all need:  It’s a reminder of what it means to offer grace to those in our life.  We need to let go of the little things because sometimes people really can make a mistake and mess up with their words.  

So the next time someone makes a wrong comment, and it truly does end with their foot buried deep in their mouth…consider how are you going to choose to react?   I can only hope that in those moments,when they are embarrassed and wish they could suck it all back in, that you too will remind them that it’s really okay.  That it’s easily forgivable.  Because here is the thing:  You just never know… It might be you next time who needs that reminder that the foot stuck in your mouth…well, it isn’t nasty tasting after all…but rather tastes like sweet mint.



*For those of you struggling with something in life or have a topic of interest that you want me to talk about in this blog, email me at  Let’s work together to Be Our Best Selves!

Photo Credit:  Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels

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