Mirror, Mirror…



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Mirror, Mirror on the wall 

Who is the “un-fair-est” of them all?

Take a moment, and look at your reflection in a mirror.  What do you see?  I bet you aren’t seeing what you probably should be.  So what is it exactly that we should be focusing on as we see our reflection in this mirror?  Today we are going to find out.  We are going to discover an important lesson that has long ago been forgotten about.  And I suspect that what we are about to uncover together is so much different than what you think it will be. 

However, in order to reveal exactly what we need to learn; we must start from the beginning.  We need to start by putting that mirror down and instead by looking at those people who surround us in our life, whether that be our family, our good friends, our casual acquaintances, or even strangers.  When these people pass through our life, have you been using this mirror the way that you should be using it?  I bet not.  So how will you know?  Well, you have been doing it all wrong if you have ever caught yourself thinking or saying the following things about them…

Wow, their kids behave so badly!  Do you see how wrong their parenting is?” 

“Look at that person’s living situation.  How disgusting are they?” 

“I can’t believe he cheated on his spouse, how could he?”

“That couple has an awful marriage.  It’s probably because they let their kids sleep with them.” 

“I can’t believe what that person does for a job and how little they make!  What is wrong with them for not making a change?” 

“This person’s family life is so weird…I don’t get it.” 

“She really dresses ugly.” 

“He is a bad kid and makes horrible choices.”  

And the list goes on and on…

How many of you are guilty of some or all of these comments at some point in time?  Do you catch yourself looking at someone else and criticizing or judging them for their looks, actions, or behaviors?  If I am being honest then I must admit that I am far from innocent.  It is so easy, so incredibly easy, to judge others in our life.  Sometimes, we get so good at it that it starts to become a way of life.  

But after our discovery today, I hope that from here on out you will choose to not allow it in your life…anymore.  Because here is what I have realized recently about that magical mirror in your hand and how to use it properly.  And I can only hope this too will inspire you to learn the same…

When we look around at those people in our life, and when we decide to throw judgement their way, we are forgetting one very important piece of this puzzle…To pick up that mirror, look at own reflection, and to be sure to judge ourselves first!  Otherwise, it’s just not fair.  In fact, it is pretty unfair to assume everyone else needs to fix up their life without first reflecting on our own.  

Because here is the thing…none of us are perfect!  And none of us will ever be perfect.  We all have our own story, and we haven’t ever walked a mile in anyone else’s shoes.  We have no idea what someone else has really been through.  So, it’s extremely unfair of us to judge another person when we haven’t lived their life, and when our own life is far from flawless.

It’s like that saying which reminds us to stop pointing out the speck in someone else’s eye when we have a huge plank sticking out of ours.  And the only way to see that plank and focus on it, is to pick up that mirror, and look at the reflection staring back at you.  To put more emphasis in our own life…in order to get better and in order to be better.  

So every day moving forward as you see your reflection in your mirror, let it serve as a reminder to never, not ever, judge anyone else in our life or in this world for that matter.  Right or wrong, good or bad, agree or disagree – It is really not our place!   The only person we really need to focus on is ourselves because we always have room to do better.

So to that Mirror, Mirror on the wall – 

Apparently, it has been me all along who has been the “un-fair-est” of them all.  But not anymore because after today, and from here on out, I now know exactly what I should be focusing on…and that is me.



*For those of you struggling with something in life or have a topic of interest that you want me to talk about in this blog, email me at BeYourBestSelfBlog@gmail.com.  Let’s work together to Be Our Best Selves!

Photo Credit:    Photo by Drigo Diniz: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brass-framed-wall-mirror-3230126/

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