Is Life Really Like a Box of Chocolates?



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How many times in your life have you heard “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you are going to get.” I have always had a tough time with this saying. Sure, it makes it sound like life is unpredictable, which, there is no doubt, it is. BUT it also makes it seem like every day of your life, you are grabbing into the box to see what kind of chocolate you get. Now, I don’t know about all of you, but if every day was as sweet as eating a piece of chocolate, any kind of chocolate, that is a pretty good day for me. And life, well, it just isn’t this way.

I, instead, like to think of life to be more like a box that is filled with chocolates, but also, let’s be honest, there are some vegetables in it too. Some days it feels like celery was drawn from the box…pretty dull and boring. Or even worse, some days feel like peas…awful, awful, awful! And then a whole week can even go by, and you feel like all you did was pick vegetables out of that box called “life”.

So, we know life isn’t a box of chocolates…let’s be real. Life is HARD. Life is CHALLENGING. Life is EXHAUSTING. Walking through your day may sometimes feel, instead, like life is being sucked right out of you.

So how do we change that? How do we try to be our best selves each and every day, and make life feel like a box of chocolates? Imagine how great life would it be if all of our days felt like eating chocolate or even better yet, a caramel covered in chocolate!

It’s time to change our perspective. My youngest daughter is a prime example of this. She is 12 years old and that girl literally floats through life. She is, 99% of the time, a ray of sunshine. She wakes up each day expecting to have a great day, and interesting enough, when she gets home to share her day…it is always a great one! She has taught me, through the years, that life is really what we make of it. If you wake up in the morning expecting to pick brussel sprouts out of the box, well then, you might just feel like you ate brussel sprouts all day. And like my daughter, if you wake up expecting to eat the caramel covered chocolate, well then, that day may have felt like it.

If you feel like you are one that struggles with this each morning, then let’s try this together. Let’s start each day by first taking a moment to reflect upon the fact that we are so incredibly blessed just to be able to pick out of the box called “life”. Each and every day is a blessing, whether it’s dark chocolate or a carrot. Secondly, let’s start our day with only positivity and expect it to be great.

And when unpredictability hits (because despite what my daughter thinks, life isn’t always perfect), it’s important to remember this next part…If vegetables keep coming out…day after day after day…despite your positivity…don’t give up! Don’t stop striving for the good chocolate days. And eventually you will get to a point where, if you pulled out that many vegetables in the past, chocolates will be the only thing left. Life is 90% of what we make of it and the remaining 10% is pushing through with positivity…even on the vegetable days.


*For those of you struggling with something in life or have a topic of interest that you want me to talk about in this blog, email me at Let’s work together to Be Our Best Selves!

Photo Credit:  Photo by Vie Studio from Pexels

4 thoughts on “Is Life Really Like a Box of Chocolates?”

  1. Anne Felderman

    It’s amazing how much children can teach and show us! Good for Claire! She’ll do great things!

    1. Isn’t that the truth! There is so much to be learned through children. Now the real test will be for her to continue to keep that spark as she gets older and experiences more of the world. xoxo

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