I Know That I Am Not Good Enough.



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To the person I see in the mirror,

You are ugly.

You are fat.

You are disgusting.

I can see it so clearly in the image staring back at me.  

I am just not good enough for this shallow world.

I know that I am not good enough.

People tell me I am pretty, but I know it’s not true.

People tell me I am lean, but I am certain it’s a lie.

People tell me I am a beautiful, but I know reality.

Because I can see it.  I can so plainly see what is reflecting back at me.

And it’s a reminder that I am just not good enough for this superficial life.

I know that I am not good enough.

True beauty is what I see in Hollywood.

Being gorgeous comes from strict diets and exercise.

Looking stunning is for those that exist in magazines or movies.

And that will never be me because that perfect body does not live inside of my mirror.  

So I am just not good enough for this fake world.

I know that I am not good enough.

But that reflection in the mirror often lies to me.  And so I paused, took a closer look, and instead said to that person looking back at me…

You are kind.

You are giving.

You are loving.

You are pretty and beautiful in your own, unique way.  

Because true beauty lies within you, not within a magazine or a movie.

That is what I remembered about the person in my mirror.

Because the truth of it all is this:  If being shallow, superficial, and fake defines beauty, then I don’t want be beautiful.  Instead, I want to live a life that matters.  I want to be in a world where prettiness can mean so much more.  Because in that kind of world, I know that I am good enough.  In that world, we are all good enough. 

And now… I can finally see so clearly all of these things as I stare right at the person…who is staring back at me.

**This blog is dedicated to all those people out there dealing with anorexia, bulimia, and body dysmorphia.  You are good enough… **



*For those of you struggling with something in life or have a topic of interest that you want me to talk about in this blog, email me at BeYourBestSelfBlog@gmail.com.  Let’s work together to Be Our Best Selves!

Photo Credit Photo by Anna Shvets: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-people-s-legs-4672715/

2 thoughts on “I Know That I Am Not Good Enough.”

  1. Meghan Valentine

    Something I struggle with everyday. I pray we can all see our own beauty through our uniqueness and love ourselves and each other more everyday!

    1. Meghan – thank you for sharing your true feelings on this hard topic. We ALL need to learn to love ourselves. xoxo Marsha

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