Do Unicorns Exist?



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If you were to google “Unicorns” on the internet, you will see that Wikipedia describes them as “legendary” creatures, going on to say that in the Middle Ages, it was a symbol of purity and grace. In popular culture today, Wikipedia explains they are used as a symbol of fantasy or rarity.  So, do Unicorns exist?  The world is telling us that these beautiful creatures don’t.  Today, I want to talk about defying that notion.  I want to talk about bringing unicorns to life and letting them come out to play…but first, you need to understand the back story.

My sister remarried about 6 years ago to her true sole mate.  Are sole mate’s real?  Well, that is a topic for another day.  But why do I describe him as that in her life? It is because they just fit, and it is nice to see her so happy.  As my new brother-in-law and I have gotten to know each other over the years, he started to draw some conclusions about me.  Whenever we would have conversations, he would always laugh and say, “Marsha, your brain is just full of unicorns, rainbows, and sunshine!”  I loved hearing it because I love projecting happiness in my life! I love thinking the world is just perfect, and we are all happy…all of the time.

But then I started to think about this on a deeper level.  Yes sure, what he sees is the happy, positive, energic Marsha.   The Marsha who likes to make people laugh and to make them feel good about themselves.  But does that mean unicorns are always in my brain…of course not.  And sadly enough, my husband and children know that best.  Of course, I have insecurities.  Of course, I worry about what others think of me.  Of course, I question my abilities as a parent, a friend, a daughter, a wife, and a sister.  The expectations in this world are hard to live up to, and many days, I don’t feel that I do.  There are too many days when that unicorn is locked up in its’ stable, and sadly enough, I don’t let it out to play.

And do I think the world is just perfect?  Of course not!  We can all see the hate, anger, and unkindness in this world.  People being mean for ridiculous reasons, people hurting others, people hurting children.  It’s hard to let the unicorn out when negativity surrounds you day in and day out.  Reading the daily news alone can be a daunting and depressing task.

I wonder if any of you feel this way too?

So, what do we do with all of this negativity in our heads and all of the negativity that surrounds us?   How do we change this in our life?  How do we learn to change our perspective, especially with struggles in this world that we can’t fix overnight?  How do we let the unicorns out of the stables and let them play again?  

For me, it’s all about kindness and love.  And when reflecting on kindness and love, it starts with “one”.  One person to change their mindset and realize that kindness feeds kindness.   One person to start the domino effect of treating others the way we want to be treated.  One person to just break free of their negativity and let the unicorn out to play again.

And the awesome part about life is that YOU get to make that choice each day.  Do you want to be that “one” person?  The one that chooses kindness over hate?  The one who chooses contentment over insecurities?  The one who makes a conscious effort EVERY.SINGLE.DAY to let the unicorn come out and play?   

And if you choose to do that…who knows…maybe over time, the news will have less and less negativity to report.  Maybe we will finally see more kindness than hurt in this world.  And best of all, if we make the effort to change our daily perspective, then we might just stop worrying about what others think because we are happier inside.  

So, it’s time…in fact, I would argue, it is well past the time…for all of us to work together each day to let that beautiful, fascinating creature called the “Unicorn” come out and play. And the next time my brother-in-law reminds me that unicorns live in my brain, I will look at him and smile and tell him that I work hard each day to make sure they do!



*For those of you struggling with something in life or have a topic of interest that you want me to talk about in this blog, email me at  Let’s work together to Be Our Best Selves!


Wikipedia. 2021. “Unicorn.” Last modified April 18, 2021.

Photo Credit:  Photo by Zaksheuskaya from Pexels

2 thoughts on “Do Unicorns Exist?”

  1. I just love these posts. Because 1. I love Marsha and 2. I can SO relate! I’m working with a coach and through sessions we’ve discovered that I have “perfectionism” on the brain. Which means everyday I set a bar so high that not only can I not reach it, but I actually feel like a failure everyday. Together we’ve worked to “lower the expectations” of myself and it has brought such happiness and content. Also, meeting a new boyfriend of my sister’s and he said “Angie is so positive. She just makes me feel happy” LOL! To which I said, he needs to tell my husband this. I LOVE making other people feel positive. Some people don’t actually like this about me but, onto the next ;). Thanks Marsha!

    1. Angie – Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Perfectionism is a scary word and I am so glad you worked through that & figured out how to feel good each day. (This is a great idea for another blog!) And just so you know, I LOVE the fact that you want to make others feel good. It is one of the many, many reasons why I love you! xoxo Marsha

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