Can an Old Dog Really Learn New Tricks?



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The old sayings goes, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. Really?!? Is that really true?

I am starting on this journey to try to defy that old saying. And while I may not be “old” per say…let’s face it…in 2021, almost 40 years old and in this technology world we live in…I feel very old.

About 2 months ago, I decided to share this journey, out loud and for the first time, with my husband and 2 of our children. Now I KNEW it sounded crazy that I wanted to inspire, through blogging, which is why I kept it to myself for so long, but… let’s just say some of their reactions didn’t help much. My 14-year-old son’s first words where…” Wow Mom, that is “cringy.” (And I am so “old” that I wasn’t even sure what he meant. Apparently, it was weird to him.)

My son then proceeded to tell me that I have no idea what blogging even was (he is not wrong by the way), and that I wasn’t great with technology to begin with. That tiny, nagging, negative voice inside me could have also added that I wasn’t even sure of all of the social media platforms to use or how they all worked, but… thought for now I’d keep that one to myself. Instead, I looked him straight in the eyes and said, “Do you want to double dog dare me?”

For my first blog ever, I want to share my “why”. I decided to start on this journey to challenge myself. I want to do something that has always been a dream of mine…to inspire others and to make people feel good about themselves. This world is a tough one to live in with so many ideals and expectations. There are so many negative forces out there pulling many of us in the wrong direction. I am starting my new journey today. One filled with new perspectives, positive forces, and working together to grow and be our very best selves. AND…for those of you wondering, yes for sure, I also want to prove my son wrong.

As you witness the start of my journey, I want to encourage all of you reading to take a good hard look at your life. Are there dreams for your life that you have been too scared to try? Do you have that negative voice telling you that you are going to fail…even before you start? Is there something new you won’t do for fear of looking silly?

I can tell you that the nerves and doubts are high as I write this first post. It kind of feels like jumping off a cliff with nothing but fog below. I am not really sure what I am jumping into today, but the excitement of trying something new is pushing me to do it anyway. If you have that “thing” you are too scared to jump into, then I am asking you to grab ahold of my hand, and let’s jump together. Let’s teach this world that old dogs can, in fact, learn new tricks and who knows, maybe…just maybe…you can inspire those doubters in your life. Show them that with hard work, drive, & passion, anything is possible! (As I can only hope to teach my son through this journey).


*For those of you struggling with something in life or have a topic of interest that you want me to talk about in this blog, email me at Let’s work together to Be Our Best Selves!

Photo Credit: Photo by Rachel Claire from Pexels

2 thoughts on “Can an Old Dog Really Learn New Tricks?”

  1. Anne Felderman

    This is so great Marsha! I look forward to reading your positive prospectives and being inspired by you! Thank for inviting me!

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