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27,375…it’s just a number.  What does it mean?  How can this one number possibly change us?  How did this one simple number turn up in my life?  And how could it possibly be…that this one simple number may actually leave us questioning everything…

I had the opportunity recently to surround myself with some people in my life that I both admire and respect.  These people are smart.  They are successful.  And they leave no stone unturned when it comes to navigating life.  So sometimes…when life throws you a bone and you get that chance to learn from them, you breathe in everything they say, and I did exactly that.

As these people were talking about the success they have had in their life, one of them brought up a very important topic.  He started talking about living a life filled with our best days, filled with living out our dreams.  And at that moment, he mentioned that if we are a typical human being, we will get about 75 years to live.  And that seems like a looong time. 75 whole years! It feels like an eternity of time ahead of us…literally.  

It almost reminded me of being a young girl and having that anticipation of wrapping up each school year knowing I would have an endless amount of time ahead of me before summer’s end. It was a time in life where I anticipated achieving so much over those never-ending summer days feeling that they would truly stretch on forever.  

And I felt this same way as my successful friend was talking about how we get 75 years to live.  However, what I didn’t know was that his next statement would make me question everything.  He went on to further break it down this way.  He said, “While 75 years seems like a really long time…an eternity stretched before us…what it actually breaks down to is only 27,375 days.  That’s it.  That’s all we get.”

And the same always held true when I was a young girl living out my summer days.  The summer didn’t last an infinite amount of time.  Instead, it really did seem to end just as fast as it started.  And my accomplishments over that time were usually few and far between.  

So in that moment, as my friend so wisely pointed this out, I have to be honest…I just froze.   27,375 days.  It sure didn’t feel like an unlimited amount of time any more.  In fact, I knew that this time too would easily move right by me just as fast as those “endless” summer days.  It made me freeze and actually take some time to think about my life.  I knew, unfortunately, that I was already half way through. Over Half Way!!  And I have to say, it was a scary feeling. 

So the next questions came naturally to me, and they are the same questions I am going to pose to all of you:

Where are you going in your life?  What are you ultimately trying to accomplish?  How are you choosing to live out your days?  And the most important questions:  Are you living out your dreams? Are you truly living your best life? 

If you are having a hard time answering these questions then it’s time to take a moment to reflect upon this crazy journey called life.  We always say life is short…but truly, The.Days.Are.Short!  We really don’t get that many.  So it’s time to make sure we are doing this thing right.

When I reflect upon my life and my dreams, I have realized a few things:  

First off, I want to make sure that I am spending my working hours and days doing something that I love.  Life is too short to spend our time doing anything less.  

Secondly, I want to surround myself with those people in my life who make me laugh, who make me want to be a better person.  I want to be with those who are so good for my soul.  And if they aren’t, if all they seem to do is drain my soul, then there is no better time than now to move on.

And lastly, I want to always choose love over anything else.  Love for all of those people ingrained deeply in my life.  Love for all of those who have only briefly crossed my path yet still seemed to have left an impact.  And love for those I haven’t even met yet…because love should have no limits.

For me, this is how I will know that I am truly living my best life with the days I have left.  

So now it’s your turn.  Now it’s your time…27,375…that’s it, that’s all we get.  So the final questions remain:  What are you trying to accomplish on this crazy journey called life?  Are you living your life the way you always dreamed it would be?  And if not, then maybe it’s time to finally ask yourself why…



*For those of you struggling with something in life or have a topic of interest that you want me to talk about in this blog, email me at BeYourBestSelfBlog@gmail.com.  Let’s work together to Be Our Best Selves!

Photo Credit:   Photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels


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