100 Ways



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100 ways.  100 reasons.  100 what-ifs.  

Would you open a door that could lead you down a path of 100 ways to being your best self?  Would you open that door and choose to walk through it?

For those of you that follow my blog regularly, this week marks a very special milestone in the world of ‘Being Your Best Self’.  This week marks my 100th milestone.  

This week marks my 100th blog!

Can you believe it?  Because frankly, I can’t.  When I started on this journey, I never envisioned getting to this point.  I never imagined we could get this far.  And yet, here we are anyway.  

When I look back on all of the blogs, all of the stories, all of the honest words written, all of the what-ifs of life, I must admit…I learned so much more than I ever imagined.  I learned from others’ hardships.  I gained insight on the parts of my life that I have never shared.  And I learned that no matter who we are or where we came from, there is always a way to do better…there is always a reason to get better.

For those of you that have been dedicated followers, I hope more than anything that you learned a thing or two along the way.  And for those of you that haven’t walked on this journey with me, I hope you will take a moment to walk through that door that sits right in front of you.  And I hope you will choose to absorb these 100 ways to figure out how we can be the best version of ourselves in the years to come.

So what did these 100 blogs teach me?  What can you also learn?  Let’s take a trip down memory lane, and let’s reflect on this together…

It all began with a simple blog about chocolates.  We learned that when it comes to life, it won’t always be the box of chocolates we hoped for.  Far from it in fact…

We then quickly moved on to a difficult topic that affects my family…dyslexia.  Up next…it was all about the Unicorns and how to keep them alive in our minds.   Then the very difficult topics started in.  We discussed mental health and anxiety.  We touched on jealousy and even grief.  Things like hurtful words, forgiveness, body image, and revenge become our main focus, and we learned about the what-if’s of changing all of that.

Then one of my favorite blogs!  It was about a courageous woman I know who decided to just ‘Be Real’ and to let go of the shame.  That story will always be a keeper!

“Bonus” children, recipes for success, stealing our own happiness, and that awful word “money” were at the forefront of our minds in the coming months.  Marriage, health, and fear were difficult subjects that just had to be addressed.  And then let’s not forget about the “Jim Belushi” blog.  Who would have thought that meeting him could teach us a thing or two?

Michael J Fox then found a way to take us back to the future, and the game Pictionary had us thinking about life just a little bit differently.  My favorite subject of Math had me realizing that two negatives don’t always make a positive when it comes to life.  And one man’s story of triumph had me completely and utterly shocked.  We decided to follow that up with an intense game of basketball and learned what it could mean to be on a team together. Of course, friendship, the magic of children, and difficult decisions had to make an appearance next.

Then I wrapped up another trip around the sun!  And I am grateful for that!

Control freaks, remembering our roots, and writing our own story became our main focus for a while.  And then let’s not forget about the incredible two-part series on the twins!  I learned more from those two then I could have ever dreamed of!

Judgement, fairness, mistakes, and needing a break…all great perspectives that we should carry with us forever.  And writing about cancer along with that never ending question of ‘why’ hit home for me as a dose of reality set in that was affecting loved ones in my life.

I finally realized the blindness I have carried with me all these years!  And I learned an important woman’s story who is part of the LGBTQ group and how we all play a part in her fitting into this world.

Being cautious with expectations and learning to admit that it’s okay to not be okay happened to come up next.  And we wrapped up the first 100 with bringing out the Beast

Wow!  It sure has been quite the journey.

So there it is…100 ways, 100 reasons, and 100 what-ifs.  And right in front of you is the door that will lead you to it all!  I hope you will choose to not only open that door but to walk through it, and to learn how to be the best version of yourself in the years to come.  

So that’s a wrap on my 100th blog.  And while we covered so many issues and so many difficult topics over the years, I have learned, yet again, something else today.  I now realize that this is only the beginning.  This journey is far from over because we still have so much more to discover together.  So grab ahold of my hand, and let’s walk through this next door into the next 100.  Because no matter who we are or where we come from, there will always be a way, there will always be a reason…to do better and to get better in life.  

And I just can’t wait to see what will come up next…



*For those of you struggling with something in life or have a topic of interest that you want me to talk about in this blog, email me at BeYourBestSelfBlog@gmail.com.  Let’s work together to Be Our Best Selves!

Photo Credit:  Photo by Lina Kivaka: https://www.pexels.com/photo/teal-wooden-panel-door-2773605/

2 thoughts on “100 Ways”

  1. So thankful that you decided to continue on with your blog – every other week is better than not at all 🙂

    1. Thanks Gail for your inspiring words! Sometimes I question it all but it’s comments like this that keep me moving! Xoxo Marsha

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